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Professional hearings

Melbourne Criminal Lawyers Balot Reilly
462 William St Melbourne West VIC 3003

It is important to contact our best criminal lawyers in Melbourne for professional disciplinary hearings to protect your profession.
Professional disciplinary hearings involve professional regulatory bodies taking disciplinary action against professionals such as medical practitioners, Legal practitioners/Lawyers, real estate agents etc. for their conduct in their respective profession. Balot Reilly Lawyers can defend your legal rights and provide you with a high quality of legal representation in disciplinary hearings to protect your interests, including your livelihood, your reputation and always fight for your justice.

What do disciplinary hearings involve?

Investigation process
Professional disciplinary bodies conduct investigations into the conduct of their respective professional members and if the breach of the standard of conduct is serious enough the regulator will prosecute to discipline their respective member by the imposition of sanctions such as fines, suspension or in extreme examples deregistration of the accreditation or certificate to practice their respective profession. The consequences can be devastating hence it’s important to contact a Balot Reilly criminal lawyer as early as possible in the investigation to protect your rights and to achieve the best possible outcome to save you stress, making the situation worse or losing your career. Professionals frequently make mistakes in their own defence, remember he/she that acts for himself has a fool for a client. Many past prosecutions could have been averted entirely or at least minimised with quality legal
representation. Instead professionals under scrutiny have frequently acted for themselves getting caught up in their own emotions and often inadvertently sabotage their own interests during the investigation process by making imprudent tactical decisions. Balot Reilly criminal Lawyers can defend your interests during the investigation process and during disciplinary hearings.

Hearing process
The professional under investigation will need to make a decision whether to plead guilty and plead for a merciful disposition or plead not guilty and contest the charges. If the professional pleads not guilty the regulator will be required to call witnesses and produce evidence to prove its case against the relevant professional to a standard of proof known as on the balance of probabilities. Balot Reilly criminal Lawyers can assist you to negotiate with the regulator and to challenge the evidence against you on a very high standard.

Ramifications against professionals
If the regulator proves that the breach of the standard of conduct is such a serious departure from the conduct expected by members of the profession, the regulator may prosecute in order to discipline the respective professional member by the imposition of sanctions such as fines, suspension or in extreme examples deregistration of the accreditation or certificate to practice their respective profession. The consequences can be devastating hence it’s important to contact a Balot Reilly criminal Lawyer as early as possible

Investigation by Royal commissions or secret hearings by the Australian crime commission or coronial inquests
Balot Reilly criminal Lawyers can assist you to avoid incriminating yourself during investigations by Royal Commissions, secret hearings by the Australian Crime Commission or Coronial Inquests.

Ramifications of investigation by Royal commissions or secret hearings by the Australian crime commission or coronial inquests.
The consequences of self-incrimination may result in criminal charges against you, a loss of your reputation, career or even your freedom. Hence, it’s important to contact a Balot Reilly Criminal lawyer during investigations as soon as possible to protect you from very serious ramifications.

Our caring team of experts at Balot Reilly Lawyer's can guide you through the process, keep you calm and alleviate the stress you are no doubt feeling as we guide you through the disciplinary process.

Melbourne Criminal Lawyers Balot Reilly
462 William Street Melbourne West, Victoria 3003

We believe we are the best criminal lawyers in Melbourne, and our clients agree: